You can take the boy out of Africa, but you can't take the Africa out of the boy
Afrikkalaiset polttivat autoja ja taloja ja taistelivat poliisia vastaan Guadeloupen saarella Karibianmerellä:
France sends police to quell Guadeloupe riots
France dispatched hundreds of police reinforcements to its Caribbean island of Guadeloupe on Wednesday as a month-long strike over the rising cost of living descended into deadly riots.
Union representative Jacques Bino, aged in his 50s, was shot dead overnight when he drove up to a roadblock manned by armed youths in Pointe-a-Pitre, the island's main city.
It was not immediately clear who shot him, but he was the first victim of the escalating violence on Guadeloupe, normally a tourist-friendly island but crippled since January 20 by a general strike.
"There were no police nearby," said local prosecutor Jean-Michel Pretre.
Bino's car was hit three times by 12-gauge shotgun slugs. Two rounds hit the rear of the vehicle and the third was fired through a side passenger window and fatally wounded the activist in the chest.
"These were not stray rounds," Pretre said, adding that he was looking into the possibility that, given their age, Bino and a passenger had been mistaken for plain-clothes police officers.
Six members of the security forces were slightly injured during clashes with armed youths, police said.
Gangs of youths looted shops, smashed storefront windows and threw up burning roadblocks overnight along the main streets of Pointe-a-Pitre and in at least two other towns. Fourteen people were detained. Ary Chalus, mayor of the town of Baie-Mahault, where three police were hurt, described the scene as "chaos." "We have 15-year-old children who are clashing with police. We may well have families in mourning," he warned.
The conflict has exposed race and class divisions on the island, where the local white elite wields power over the black majority.
The economy is largely in the hands of the "Bekes," the local name for whites who are mostly descendants of colonial landlords and sugar plantation slave owners of the 17th and 18th centuries.
A Socialist opposition leader, Malikh Boutih, said it was "shocking" to watch a police force "almost 100 percent white, confront a black population" and drew a parallel with the 2005 suburban riots in France.
"There are no concrete buildings, there are palm trees, but it's the same dead-end, the same 'no future' for young people, with joblessness and a feeling of isolation," Boutih said.
Most shops, cafes, banks, schools and government offices have been shut in Guadeloupe and Martinique and the strike has also hit the key tourism industry.

Nämä afrikkalaiset ovat asuneet Karibianmerellä sijaitsevalla saarella 1600-luvulta asti, mutta heidän käytöksensä on yhtä heidän biologisen afrikkalaisen kansanluonteensa mukaista.
Afrikkalaiset käyttäytyvät samalla tavalla täysin riippumatta siitä, asuvatko he Afrikassa, Euroopassa vai Amerikassa.Tämä on niitä asioita, joiden sanominen on Mika Illmanin mielestä laitonta.
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Hyvä teksti taas kerran.
Totuusarvo = tosi.
Mikko Ellilä, blogissa Islamistien natsikytkös artikkeliin kirjoitin asiallisen ja hyvin perustellun kommentin koskien jotain loogisia ristiriitaisuuksia koskien natseja. Muun muassa perustelin, miksi jotkin kansallisosialistien tempauksista ei ole mitään äärimmäisen pahuuden ruumiilistumia.
Tämän jälkeen Vapaus niminen käyttäjä kirjoitti jatkokommentin koskien afrikkalaisia ja sitä, mitä tapahtuu, kun Yhdysvalloissa valkoiset jäävät vähemmistöön. Sitten kirjoitin jatkokommentin. Nämä kaikki hävisivät tänään ja ehkä eilen.
Osaatko selittää miksi? En haluaisi kyllä uskoa, että täällä on viestisensurismia. "poliittisesti epäkorrektit" viestit poistetaan.
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