Uusi viesti, monikulttuurisuuskriittinen blogi

Poliittisten päättäjien keskuudessa vallitsee nykyisin fanaattinen monikulttuurisuusideologia, joka pyrkii tukahduttamaan kaiken demokraattisen kansalaiskeskustelun maahanmuuttopolitiikasta. Tämä taistolaisuuden kaltainen uskonnollinen hurmoshenkisyys on vallalla myös sanomalehdistössä, joka ei julkaise mitään multikulti-ideologian vastaisia ikäviä tosiasioita. Yksityishenkilöiden ylläpitämät blogit ovat tällä hetkellä ainoa lähde, josta saa totuudenmukaista tietoa Suomessa ja muissa Euroopan maissa harjoitetun maahanmuuttopolitiikan seurauksista.

Toisin kuin Helsingin Sanomissa ja muussa propagandalehdistössä, täällä kerrotaan lukijoille vain tosiasioita. Kannatamme modernia länsimaista sivilisaatiota ja sen parhaita arvoja eli rationaalista ajattelua, tieteellistä tutkimusta, oikeusvaltiota, sananvapautta ja demokratiaa. Tästä syystä vastustamme monikulttuurisuutta, joka nykymenolla muuttaa Euroopan maat Afrikan tai Lähi-idän maiden kaltaisiksi parinkymmenen vuoden sisällä.

maanantaina, joulukuuta 21, 2009

Maahanmuuttajien rikollisuus: geneettistä vai sosiokulturaalista

Crime: Race or Poverty?
August 26, 2008

“Study after study has shown that violent crime is more closely related to poverty than any other factor.

Connecting race to violent crime is simply a method of perpetuating racism.”

Liberals dominate the media and the academia, with the result being that liberal points of view need not be proven. This is a good example of it.

There is a correlation between poverty and crime. But that doesn’t establish that black poverty is the source of black crime.

First, the wealthiest black people commit more crime than the poorest white people.

Blacks who make over $350,000 a year (top 1%) commit significantly more crime than whites who make less than $10,000.

[Children of wealthy blacks also score LOWER on the SAT than the children of the poorest whites.]

In fact, even when we take education into account, it still doesn’t predict crime. As “The Color of Crime” has shown, race is a better predictor of criminal behavior than income and education COMBINED!

Blacks who have graduate degrees and 6-digit incomes are more likely to commit a crime than white high school drop-outs who clean the bathroom in McDonald’s.

Second, just because there’s a link between crime and poverty, does not mean that poverty caused crime. During the Great Depression, a large percentage of Americans were much poorer than ghetto blacks. Yet our crime rate was near its all time low.

During the 1960s, the government created all sorts of programs to lift up the poor. Poverty was hugely reduced. Yet crime skyrocketed because blacks were given an excuse to do anything – riot, rape, murder.

When poor people get money by means other than their brain, they continue to commit crime and engage in other low-class, trashy behavior. A good example of that are rappers, Britney Spears and the NFL (National Felon League).

The NBA found that most of the players are dirt poor 5 years after retiring even though they made millions during their playing days, sometimes even tens of millions. Stupid is as stupid does, so the $5M, $10M, $20M is wasted withing just a couple of years, with no foresight into the future.

Lottery winners also blow through their money within just a few years. Most of them consider winning the lottery a curse rather than a blessing. They don’t know what to do with the money. Instead of investing, they waste the money, making enemies and creating jealousy in the process. A few years later when the money is all gone, they are in worse shape than they were prior to winning the lottery.

Giving money to people who don’t deserve them only ruins their lives.

It does not reduce crime. It does not increase their IQ.

The lower classes commit crime instead of making money because that’s all they are capable of.

Blacks commit more crime than whites because they have more people with a low IQ and also more people with overly high testosterone (this also explains why teens commit more crime than the elderly and why men commit more crime than women).

So the poverty-crime correlation is not the by-product of A causing B. It’s simply that C causes both A and B. C is low IQ in combination with high testosterone. A is poverty. B is crime.

So to say that blacks are poor and that’s the reason for their crime is false. Even when we take income into account, we find that blacks are much more dangerous.

And there’s no reason to believe income causes crime. More likely, IQ influences both income and crime.

(kaikki lihavoinnit Mikko Ellilä)

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