Allaolevissa sitaateissa sanan kansallissosialismi voi huoletta korvata sanalla monikulttuurisuus.
Flugblätter der Weissen Rose. II
Man kann sich mit dem Nationalsozialismus geistig nicht auseinandersetzen, weil er ungeistig ist. Es ist falsch, wenn man von einer nationalsozialistischen Weltanschauung spricht, denn wenn es diese gäbe, müßte man versuchen, sie mit geistigen Mitteln zu beweisen oder zu bekämpfen - die Wirklichkeit aber bietet uns ein völlig anderes Bild: schon in ihrem ersten Keim war diese Bewegung auf den Betrug des Mitmenschen angewiesen, schon damals war sie im Innersten verfault und konnte sich nur durch die stete Lüge retten.
Seuraavassa voidaan korvata sana Hitler sanalla Illman, sana saksa sanalla suomi ja sana saksalainen sanalla suomalainen.
Schreibt doch Hitler selbst in einer frühen Auflage "seines" Buches (ein Buch, das in dem übelsten Deutsch geschrieben worden ist, das ich je gelesen habe; dennoch ist es von dem Volke der Dichter und Denker zur Bibel erhoben worden): "Man glaubt nicht, wie man ein Volk betrügen muß, um es zu regieren." Wenn sich nun am Anfang dieses Krebsgeschwür des deutschen Volkes noch nicht allzusehr bemerkbar gemacht hatte, so nur deshalb, weil noch gute Kräfte genug am Werk waren, es zurückzuhalten.
Wie es aber größer und größer wurde und schließlich mittels einer letzten gemeinen Korruption zur Macht kam, das Geschwür gleichsam aufbrach und den ganzen Körper besudelte, versteckte sich die Mehrzahl der früheren Gegner, flüchtete die deutsche Intelligenz in ein Kellerloch, um dort als Nachtschattengewächs, dem Licht und der Sonne verborgen, allmählich zu ersticken. Jetzt stehen wir vor dem Ende. Jetzt kommt es darauf an, sich gegenseitig wiederzufinden, aufzuklären von Mensch zu Mensch, immer daran zu denken und sich keine Ruhe zu geben, bis auch der Letzte von der äußersten Notwendigkeit seines Kämpfens wider dieses System überzeugt ist. Wenn so eine Welle des Aufruhrs durch das Land geht, wenn "es in der Luft liegt", wenn viele mitmachen, dann kann in einer letzten, gewaltigen Anstrengung dieses System abgeschüttelt werden. Ein Ende mit Schrecken ist immer noch besser als ein Schrecken ohne Ende.
Tässä tulee vielä terveisiä niille apaattisille kansalaisille, miljoonille suomalaisille, jotka "eivät halua sekaantua politiikkaan", "eivät jaksa kiinnostua politiikasta", "eivät välitä poliitikkojen metkuista" (tässäkin sana saksalainen voidaan korvata sanalla suomalainen):
Sollte dies ein Zeichen dafür sein, daß die Deutschen in ihren primitivsten menschlichen Gefühlen verroht sind, daß keine Saite in ihnen schrill aufschreit im Angesicht solcher Taten, daß sie in einen tödlichen Schlaf versunken sind, aus dem es kein Erwachen mehr gibt, nie, niemals? Es scheint so und ist es bestimmt, wenn der Deutsche nicht endlich aus dieser Dumpfheit auffährt, wenn er nicht protestiert, wo immer er nur kann, gegen diese Verbrecherclique, wenn er mit diesen Hunderttausenden von Opfern nicht mitleidet. Und nicht nur Mitleid muß er empfinden, nein, noch viel mehr: Mitschuld. Denn er gibt durch sein apathisches Verhalten diesen dunklen Menschen erst die Möglichkeit, so zu handeln, er leidet diese "Regierung", die eine so unendliche Schuld auf sich geladen hat, ja, er ist doch selbst schuld daran, daß sie überhaupt entstehen konnte!
Ein jeder will sich von einer solchen Mitschuld freisprechen, ein jeder tut es und schläft dann wieder mit ruhigstem, bestem Gewissen. Aber er kann sich nicht freisprechen, ein jeder ist schuldig, schuldig, schuldig! Doch ist es noch nicht zu spät, diese abscheulichste aller Mißgeburten von Regierungen aus der Welt zu schaffen, um nicht noch mehr Schuld auf sich zu laden. Jetzt, da uns in den letzten Jahren die Augen vollkommen geöffnet worden sind, da wir wissen, mit wem wir es zu tun haben, jetzt ist es allerhöchste Zeit, diese braune Horde auszurotten.
Lopuksi englanninkielinen artikkeli, jossa väännetään rautalangasta paralleelit Valkoisen Ruusun ja nykyajan islaminvastustajien välille:
Sophie Scholl and the White Rose
Post WW2 Germans had few anti-Nazi heroes to look to for inspiration.
There was Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg and the July Plotters. Their motive was that Hitler was bringing Germany to ruin and that the war could no longer be won. The outcome would have been the same, had they been successful- the end of Hitlerism and Nazism. Stauffenberg and his colleagues, including the famous Panzer General Irwin Rommel were executed (or in the case of Rommel, told to commit suicide) by the Nazi regime when the plot failed. These men were heroes and are held in high esteem by Germans today for good reason. There were not many others who took a stand as powerful as this. A young college girl and her friends at the University of Munich took a strong stand against the Nazi regime, too.
Sophie Scholl a young college student, her brother a private in the German army, Scholl’s philosophy professor and several others all understand the evil that was Nazism. They formed a loose organization called the White Rose which pamphletted Munich with anti-Nazi messages. They paid a heavy price, all of them.
At the age of 21, Sophie Scholl was executed by the People’s Court in Germany on Feb. 22, 1943, during the Holocaust, for her involvement in The White Rose, an organization that was secretly writing pamphlets calling for the end of the war and strongly denouncing the inhuman acts of the Nazis.
The three members of the White Rose group appeared before the People’s Court judge, Roland Freisler, on 20th February. Found guilty of sedition they were executed by guillotine a few hours later. Just before he was executed Hans Scholl shouted out: “Long live freedom!”
Today Europe faces a growing threat from an old enemy – totalitarianism and intolerance. Because these new forces of cruelty, violence, hatred, and warfare use the mantle of “religious freedom” to mask the true nature of their purposes Europe stand upon the abyss again. There are new Sophie Scholl’s and new White Roses but across the continent they are maligned as hatemongers and racists.
Why is it acceptable to embrace those who fought the Nazis but it is fashionable to heap scorn and criticism on those who criticise the cruelties, violence, hatred, intolerance, and anti-democratic and anti-freedom mission of political Islam? Why is one fighter against totalitarian cruelty and injustice embraced while people with the same message today are ignored and vilified?
One doesn’t have to look long or far to see the actions of Islam and the cruelties of its adherents as they implement jihad across the world against unbelievers everywhere. The Koran is clear, Islam is superior to all other religions; no other religions can be allowed to exist; Islam is at war (jihad) against all unbelievers everywhere forever until that time when peace can come – when all the world is under Islam.
Muslims are not allowed to befriend unbelievers, unbelievers cannot be trusted. Islam is more important to adherents than ties of family, nation, culture or friendship. This is the doctrine of Islam. Koran 9:23 states, “Oh, believers, do not make friends of your fathers or your brothers if they love unbelief above Islam. He who makes them his friends does wrong.” Even family ties must be broken for Islam. Islam is about Islam, and nothing else. This is the message of warning that the Sophie Scholls of today deliver; they are not embraced today just as Sophie Scholl herself was not embraced during her trials and tribulations.
Mohammed says in the Koran that he is nothing but a messenger and a warner. He warns of the horrors that face those who do not embrace Islam, and those who criticize it or stand in its way. The Koran mentions “the fire” for unbelievers again and again. Many Islamists prefer not to wait for the afterlife to implement these directives.
Adherents of political Islam take the doctrine very, very seriously. Jihad is incumbent upon all believers. All unbelievers must be brought under the authority of Islam through conquest, conversion, or death. There is no alternative. We have seen this absolutist unforgiving ideology before. Sophie Scholl fought one of its forms.
Today Sophie Scholl and the ideas of bravery and freedom that she lived by are abandoned. Even with a recent movie about Claus Von Stauffenberg, the ideals that prompted his bravery and sacrifice are abandoned in the wider society and culture. Those who criticize Islam are rejected and abused as haters; even those political leaders who criticize Islam and speak the truth are denied access to England (a country writhing in conflict with political Islam).
Totalitarian thinkers and political leaders wearing a military or clerical uniform are very similar; they use the weaknesses of their target societies and cultures against them. This is exactly what Islam does every day. The news of sharia killings and cruelty daily does not sway people, the hate speech from Islamic pulpits daily does not sway people; the violence and terror attacks do not sway; the anti-democratic, anti-Jew, anti-Christian, anti-Gay, anti-Freedom, misogynist hate speech does nothing to sway those who are distracted.
And now the new White Roses are forming across the country and across the world to educate the people about the cruelties of Islam, the designs of conquest and intolerance and the purposes of Islam as laid out in the doctrine clear as day and as implemented every day by adherents of this cruel, expansionist, anti-Freedom ideology of fear and violence, intolerance and hate.
Those who claim reverence for the memory of Sophie Scholl and the White Rose yet condemn those who speak about the doctrine of Islam are confused. The mission is the same, the purpose is the same; to educate the people about an ideology that is essentially and fundamentally contrary to human freedom.
Sophie Scholl had the misfortune of living in Germany after it had already been overrun. Her bravery and that of her colleagues in the White Rose is all the more extraordinary because their likelihood for success was so slim, and the likelihood of disaster to them and their cause so great.
We in the United States have the luxury of speaking out as many in Europe and across the world do not, we can speak out about political Islam. This threat to all unbelievers and our democratic concepts of government and society comes directly from the doctrine of Islam. The forces of totalitarianism use our openness, our ignorance, our multi-cultural fantasies to undermine our societies and advance their goals. They are simply doing what they are commanded to do in the doctrine of Islam. Our ignorance must not be our downfall. We stand on a precipice, and must not be pushed forward to fall.
The message of Sophie Scholl is clear – we must fight totalitarianism in whatever garb it might be wearing. The news of the day is about the advance of Islam, the actions of Islamists implementing the doctrine, cruelty, violence, intolerance, hatred, and war; this is a message we must reject. We must embrace Sophie Scholl wherever we find her.
Civilus Defendus Says: August 30th, 2009 at 10:17 pm
Whether we are aware of islam or not, whether we understand islam or not, whether we ‘engage’ islam or not, the outcome of the islam-West (islam-not islam) interaction will be conflict, murder and mayhem. The conflict is about whether there is liberty in the land or subjugation under islam (think about doing everything you do tomorrow in handcuffs and gagged). The murder will be of those who speak out to resist the islamization and to enlighten others about the threats (the author and I would be on a list). The mayhem will ensue as both sides attempt to advance and/or defend their nations, their beliefs and their lives (you and I will shout for legislation, call for action and will take up arms if we feel unprotected, threatened and exposed).
This is no fad, this will not go away if unaddressed. Shielding ourselves, our families, our communities from these details will only accelerate the rate of advance and the time of reckoning.
Fortify yourselves. Arm yourself with knowledge. Assess your values. Steel your heart and embrace your liberty.
PatriotUSA Says: August 31st, 2009 at 1:08 am
Islam is THE enemy and it is imperative that we know Islam, inside and out. One cannot defeat the enemy unti, you understand them. Americans, by and large DO NOT know about Islam and Islamofacism. There will no rest, peace, or time off from warfare until Islam IS DEFEATED. I am on many lists already and I do not care, and I refuse to be silenced. White Rose in the USA, count me in. The first post mentions foritfying ourselves. It is past time to do this. We have a mussie in the White House and he is not this country’s friend, not is my friend or yours. All I will say is that our house is all of the above and more. I will defend freedom and liberty to my last breath. My children will never be under Islam, my wife will never wear a headscarve or a body bag burqua.There is no peace within Islam and with Islam there can never be peace.
Conny A. Meier Says:
The last still living member of the “White Roses”, Mrs. Susanne Zeller- Hirzel, 89 years old, is an active Member of the “Peoples Movement PAX EUROPA”(BPE) in Germany. BPE is the most important Counter Jihad Organization in Germany. We are glad, Mrs. Zeller-Hirzel supports our efforts.
Conny A. Meier
General Managing Director
Bürgerbewegung PAX EUROPA
Kinana Says: August 31st, 2009 at 8:26 am
Smart liberal people who refuse to see the danger of Islam and how it threatens their own lives and life-styles are the most difficult to talk to. Yet we must do so. We must try to bridge the divide that separates us. There are others on the left who are however out to destroy the achievements of Western civilisation and its values and will unite with any other group to do the same. The communists of pre-1979 Iran thought they could control the situation after the Shah was given the boot but the Muslims of the Ayatolla proved more skilled at gaining power than they did.
We need to present our case to both sets of people — to those who are confused and yet also recognise those who hate us because they hate the values we stand for.
Charles Kastriot Says: September 2nd, 2009 at 2:00 pm
How ironic that Europeans refuse to learn from their recent history. In the past eight decades, they have allowed fascism and Marxism to rise, seize power and devastate their lives and freedom. Nevertheless, they are allowing another form of totalitarianism to threaten their civilization yet again.