Uusi viesti, monikulttuurisuuskriittinen blogi

Poliittisten päättäjien keskuudessa vallitsee nykyisin fanaattinen monikulttuurisuusideologia, joka pyrkii tukahduttamaan kaiken demokraattisen kansalaiskeskustelun maahanmuuttopolitiikasta. Tämä taistolaisuuden kaltainen uskonnollinen hurmoshenkisyys on vallalla myös sanomalehdistössä, joka ei julkaise mitään multikulti-ideologian vastaisia ikäviä tosiasioita. Yksityishenkilöiden ylläpitämät blogit ovat tällä hetkellä ainoa lähde, josta saa totuudenmukaista tietoa Suomessa ja muissa Euroopan maissa harjoitetun maahanmuuttopolitiikan seurauksista.

Toisin kuin Helsingin Sanomissa ja muussa propagandalehdistössä, täällä kerrotaan lukijoille vain tosiasioita. Kannatamme modernia länsimaista sivilisaatiota ja sen parhaita arvoja eli rationaalista ajattelua, tieteellistä tutkimusta, oikeusvaltiota, sananvapautta ja demokratiaa. Tästä syystä vastustamme monikulttuurisuutta, joka nykymenolla muuttaa Euroopan maat Afrikan tai Lähi-idän maiden kaltaisiksi parinkymmenen vuoden sisällä.

keskiviikkona, lokakuuta 01, 2008

Islamilaiset terroristit pyrkivät tuhoamaan Ranskan valtion

Jostain syystä mediassa edelleen valehdellaan, että islamilaiset terroristit ovat muka "ranskalaista nuorisoa":

French police clash with youths

A French police officer was shot and wounded during clashes with youths that broke out after a teenager was killed in a car crash while fleeing the police, the authorities said Tuesday.

The police used tear gas and rubber-coated pellets to push back about 50 people during clashes late Monday and early Tuesday.

In an effort to prevent a second night of violence, about 300 riot police officers and gendarmes took up positions around the center of Romans-sur-Isère, 60 miles east of Lyon in the Rhone Valley.

Some officers were brought in from neighboring regions.

The wounded officer appeared to have been shot in the leg with a hunting rifle, the police prefecture said. The officer's life was not in danger. Dents from bullets and buckshot were also found in police vehicles nearby.

The violence broke out after a 16-year-old was killed after driving a stolen car into a wall while fleeing the police. Four other minors in the car were injured.

Accidents involving the police and youths have been potentially explosive in France since riots in 2005 that were set off by the deaths of two teenagers electrocuted in a power substation while hiding from the police.

Jean-Pierre Nahon, a prosecutor in the regional capital, Valence, said a police watchdog agency would investigate the latest episode.

Nahon said that, according to a preliminary investigation, the five teenagers had stolen the car overnight and were driving at high speed through the center of Romans-sur-Isère when the police began chasing them. The driver took a sharp turn and lost control of the car, running into a wall.

Rikolliset varastivat auton ja ajoivat sillä ylinopeutta kaupungin keskustassa.

Poliisiauto lähti ajamaan tämän ylinopeutta ajavan auton perään.

Rikolliset ajoivat tällä varastamallaan autolla päin seinää.

Heti tämän jälkeen 50 rikollista hyökkäsi poliisin kimppuun kostaakseen sen, että poliisi oli yrittänyt ottaa kiinni viisi varastetulla autolla ylinopeutta ajanutta rikollista.

Poliisi joutui käyttämään kyynelkaasua estääkseen tätä 50 rikollisen joukkiota tappamasta poliiseja kadulla.

Seuraavana yönä tarvittiin 300 poliisia pikkukaupungin keskustaan estämään järjestäytyneitä rikollisjoukkioita polttamasta taloja.

Tämä ei ole "nuorisorikollisuutta". Tämä on sotaa. Islamilaiset terroristit pyrkivät tuhoamaan Ranskan valtion.

Mitenkään muuten ei voida selittää sitä, että viiden autovarkaan ajettua varastamallaan autolla päin seinää viisikymmentä rikollista yhtäkkiä hyökkää poliisin kimppuun. Kyseessä on järjestäytynyt, ammattimainen rikollisuus, ei mikään teini-ikäisten poikien spontaani rötöstely.

Kukaan myymälävaras tms. nuorisorikollinen ei noin vain kädenkäänteessä kerää kokoon 50 miehen joukkoa hyökkäämään poliisin kimppuun kostaakseen sen, että poliisi on yrittänyt pysäyttää yhden ylinopeutta ajaneen varastetun auton. Tämä on ilmiselvästi järjestäytynyttä ja poliittisesti motivoitunutta toimintaa.

Se motiivi on islam. Ranskassa ja muualla Euroopassa asuvilla muslimeilla on pyrkimyksenä tuhota Euroopan valtiot ja pystyttää tilalle islamilainen diktatuuri. Tämän vuoksi he ovat sodassa nykyisiä valtioita vastaan. He ovat aloittaneet tämän sodan hyökkäämällä lakia ja järjestystä ylläpitävien poliisien kimppuun. Kun poliiseja ei enää ole, kaduilla vallitsee väkivaltainen bolshevistinen anarkia. Silloin valtaan tulevat islamilaiset terroristijärjestöt ja niiden edustama sharia-diktatuuri.

13 kommenttia:

FRDM kirjoitti...

"That's not true -- this isn't being organized by the Islamist fundamentalists, as Sarkozy is implying to scare people. Sure, kids in neighborhoods are using their cellphones and text messages to warn each other where the cops are coming so they can move and pick other targets for their arson. But the rebellion is spreading because the youth have a sense of solidarity that comes from watching television -- they imitate what they're seeing, and they sense themselves targeted by Sarkozy's inflammatory rhetoric. The rebellion is spreading spontaneously -- driven especially by racist police conduct that is the daily lot of these youths. It's incredible the level of police racism -- they're arrested or controlled and have their papers checked because they have dark skins, and the police are verbally brutal, calling them 'bougnoules' [a racist insult, something like the American "towel-heads", only worse] and telling them, 'Lower your eyes! Lower your eyes!' as if they had no right to look a policeman in the face. It's utterly dehumanizing. No wonder these kids feel so divorced from authority."

"Who's setting the fires? They're kids between 14 and 22, we don't really know who they are because they put on masks, don't talk, and don't brag about it the next day ... but instead of fucking everything up where they live, it would be better if they held a demo, or went and fucked up the people and the stores in Paris. We've got minister, Sarko, who says 'You're all the same.' Me, I say non, we all say non -- but in reply we still get, 'You're all the same.' That response from the government creates something in common between all of us, a kind of solidarity. These kids want to get attention, to let people know they exist. So, they same to themselves, 'If we get nasty and create panic, they won't forget us, they'll know we're in a neighborhood where we need help."


Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Vapaus, you are an idiot. This violence is not because they are oppressed, it is because they are a bunch of niggers. The violence in France is completely racial in origin and wold be the same if they were English speaking Protestants. The violence is aggravated by giving them welfare and having committed leftists around to agitate them into violence. The best example I can give you is from my own United States. during the 1960's the northern US states were pushing the southern ones to give Blacks the right to vote and allow their negro populations to live and marry without restriction. The Southern states resisted this pressure and did what they could to control negro violence and to keep niggers from voting. During the 1960's the Northern US states had horrible outbursts of violence where entire cities had their city centers burned by rioting Blacks. These Blacks rioted despite being allowed to vote, marry whoever they wanted and being allowed live anywhere they could afford. And many of these same northern states simply crumpled in the face of the violence and allowed parts of their cities to become permanent no-go zones. Many of these northern city spanning riots were instigated by leftists like Tom Hayden. Hayden walked into the ghetto of Camden New Jersey to help 'organize' the poor and it exploded into rioting 2 days later.
Here is a list of race riots in the United States that occurred during the Civil Rights' movement. If you notice none of the riots occurred in the South which was where segregation was the worst, instead they occurred in the very states working to give the Blacks their rights.

Now let me state the obvious: the reason why Blacks riot and Whites don't is because they are different races. These two races look different, act different, and think different. Whites and Blacks even have different levels of intelligence, which is the root cause of our different behaviour. But even if Whites and Blacks were equally smart they might still fight. Whenever two races, or even two different ethnic groups have to live side by side in the same area there is almost always violence. Culture can help quell the violence or it may make it worse, but it can't eliminate human nature and human differences.

the end the only way to end the violence in France is to send the Blacks back to Africa and the Muslims back to the Islamic world.

As an American I can only say that my country is very much responsible for sending out TV shows and films that depict Blacks as equal to Whites, thus giving Euros their false view of racial differences. What I don't understand is why people in all-White areas here in the US or in Europe constantly look down on those of us who live in mixed race areas and therefore have firsthand experience with these colored races. This seems to be the short road to racial suicide, those of us dealing with Mexicans and Blacks can't seem to get anything but condescencion from those Whites living the good life without coloreds.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Here is a post I wrote showing the ethnic breakdown between the two parties here in America.

There is also a good post about the US media's leftist bias on race here just scroll down to the post by Godless Capitalist.

FRDM kirjoitti...

The text was not mine. It was from "zmag.org". I posted it just to show, that there are different opinions.

You are propably right. Still I don´t think that every young boy, who is burning cars in Paris, clearly knows what is going on.

My car was robbed in a parking-hall in Saint Denis a few years ago. I did´t know, that the area is extremely dangerous. All people, who I saw, where blacks or arabs.

"Saint Denis is infamous in France for its crime rate. It has 150.71 criminal incidents per 1000 inhabitants, far higher than national average (83/1000) and even higher than the crime rate of the Seine Saint Denis department (95.67/1000). Police efficiency has also been reported as very low with only 19.82 % of crime solved by the police." (Wikipedia)

I have been twice in France since 1999, and during both trips somebody made a burclary into my car. Windows from both side of the car have been broken. It seems that France is a Kingdom of crimes in Europe.


Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Here in the States most cities that have large Negro populations average 25-30 homicides per 100,000 people which is the governments standard measure. An all White area like North Dakota that was settled by Germans and Norwegians might have a homicide rate of about 2 per 100k. The Blacks in Detroit used to average around 55 per 100k if you calculated the rate for them separately from the other races. This is completely consistent with the homicide rate in the New South Africa since the fall of Apartheid which has been 60 per 100k for the past few years.

I saw a government table that showed the homicide rates for the beginning year of every decade of Highland Park, Michigan, USA that stated that in 1980 HP had a homicide rate of 101.5 per 100k. The table didn't give the intervening years between 1980 and 1990 but I suspect that the rates during those years were even higher as the late 1980's were at the height of the crack wars.

Around 1992 New York City had almost 2000 homicides in the metro area, mainly due to its' massive minority population, not the Mafia. However both the Mafia and racial crime are good examples of why immigration is bad for a country.

There is a very good reason that US police carry semi-auto handguns, and that so many Americans have concealed carry permits.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Here is the link to the homicide rate in Detroit, USA. Remember that in American parlance the "metro area" includes all of the cities in the conurbation that are clustered together and as such will include the White suburbs, as such you need to look at "central city Detroit" in order to find the homicide rate of the jurisdiction of Detroit. The table I linked to above gives the homicide rate in 1992 as 57.0 per 100k when the city was 92% or more Black and the homicide rate in 2005 as 41.4 per 100k when the city was about 85% Black.

Highland Park, MI, USA is listed as having a homicide rate of 93 per 100k in 1992 but the system won't let me link to it. If you want to see for yourself then go this page and in the menu marked "Choose State(s):" pick Michigan, then click the next screen button below that menu. After clicking next screen the system will take you to a new page where you will see a new menu showing a list of "metropolitan statistical areas" and below that on the same menu a list of cities and townships in the state of Michigan. Scroll down the list and select "Highland Park, MI" and click the button marked "select data table." This will take you to another screen, once there pick violent crime. On the next screen pick the earliest year, which should be 1992, then click "retrieve data." You will the see the page for Highland Park and will see that in 1992 the homicide rate was 93.0 per 100k.

FRDM kirjoitti...

Thomas W. Chittum´s Civil War II is guite interesting. If Chittum is right, Mesa will be a city in Aztlan.

But what can you do? It is not possible to send mexicans back to Mexico. And you certainly cannot send black people back to Africa. And who is black?

"Alexander Pushkin was a Russian Romantic author who is considered to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature." (Wikipedia).

Was he black?

"Pushkin's great-grandfather, a page raised by Peter the Great, was Abram Petrovich Gannibal, who was born in Africa." (Wikipedia)

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

I read CW2 and am amazed that it is also being read in Scandinavia. The first thing the government could do is simply stop paying welfare. I work at a grocery store and the number of minorities that come in with food stamps to buy food is mind boggling. The entire welfare state is now a giant minority feeding and breeding project. In fact, if there is to be a White nation in North America then the numbers south of that nation should be controlled. The fact is the same people who want to build Aztlan claim to speak in the name of all indigenous peoples and want the whole continent, including Quebec.

There are two other things that need to be done. First there needs to be a general awakening among Whites and a turn away from the major media. The major media is one of the biggest enemies of the White race. The other thing os the Catholic church needs to be expelled from any White area since it is the root cause of this Mexican invasion. Also, the Catholic church uses its' influence in politics to prevent a fence from being built.

The Catholic church is sponsoring this invasion the same just the same as it sponsored the Spanish Armada.

As for the Blacks, many would have a tough going earning a living among their own kind in an independent state.

How did you hear about Thomas Chittum's Civil War 2?

FRDM kirjoitti...

The link was in your comment.

"I don't know if America will make it in its' present form. I believe this book describes how America may end. If you want to read the Amazon review it is here and the book can be downloaded illegally for free here."

I have been thinking about it. The second civil war seems quite possible, if USA will be a multinational empire as is predicted.

Anticommunist activity in 1975-1976.

Anonyymi kirjoitti...

I clicked on your Youtube link and I got the following message:

"The URL contained a malformed video ID."

Anonyymi kirjoitti...


Have you ever heard of the book The Late Planet Earth?

FRDM kirjoitti...

Not exactly, but if you mean "The Late, Great Planet Earth" (a best-selling 1970 book co-authored by Hal Lindsey and Carole C. Carlson - Wikipedia), I read it, when I was in the army a long time ago. It was interesting, and I really believed, that the communism will spread, and Soviet Union will try to conquer Israel.


Here is a working address of the "anticommunist activity" video.


Anonyymi kirjoitti...

Well, it seems I have lived long enough to see the end of America. From July 4, 1776 to November 4, 2008, it was an amazing 232 years. Here is the voter breakdown by race, religion and marital status.

I wish Scandinavia the best of luck in the next few years. I hope this never happens to you.